Wednesday 14 December 2011

a dogs breakfast in paradise

Work has begun for Lamanzs new cruise ship dock. At its present rate of construction the first passengers will be coming ashore in 2089.

Paradise returning

    A flury of activity from our benevolant overseer La Huerta has transformed Lamanzs' rutted dusty streets into smoother dusty streets. Now it is possible for vehicles to speed (see story below) along, unimpared by holes, ruts and uneven surfaces, kicking up far more dust than before. But the streets do look better.
   The sewer has stopped flowing into the streets, or at least there is the illusion that it has stopped. Reluctantly, the delegado is running the expensive to operate pumps to keep the level of the shitty water from spewing from the manholes. After dark though when no one is noticing the pumps stop and there returns some flow into the mangroves. Fortunately, mother nature has dried up the greater flow of water into the system, so the illusion of  'no problemo' can be maintained.
    Speaking of mother nature, she seems to be (albeit slowly) returning the sand to the beach, so hopefully soon the excess rocks can be scooped up and shoved back into the sea. Thus bringing Lamanzs' beautiful beach back online and returning the place to paradise status. All of this activity will hopefully bring in hordes of tourists this upcoming xmas holiday. Bringing a little income to the beleaguered merchants. Although the town is full of the seasonal gringo regulars, tourism is down and local businesses are feeling the pinch, especially the restaurants. The regular seasonal bunch, being the cheap bastards that they are, contribute surprisingly little to the local economy. Making a lot of local residents thinking that they are hardly worth having to put up with in the first place. 

Corleones Amigos

Mark February 12th on your calender. After years of inactivity Corleones amigos is back with its ever popular catch'n'kill day. Guido, spokesman for the family said "its good to be back and helping out. on Tuesday the 12th, make sure your dogs and cats and decrepit grandparents are on the streets as we will be doing a town tour to rid ourselves of those useless and economic draining shits. The spree will run from 10am to 4pm and again from 10pm to 12am. Its been a few years since we last came through but we expect really good numbers. 'Donations' will be collected the following sunday. Don't try to hide." The bodies will be buried in the south end of the soccer field at 4 am.

mens breakfast

Now serving men!!! Mostly fried but some are baked. We also have cold. Almost all are well aged and marinated. Served in a shallow plate with complimentary ass hole. We have the latest from the top American and Canadian producers, artificially preserved for your culinary enjoyment. Unfortunately, super size proportions only. Please call in advance for special orders such as raw, wild or fresh. All are gauranteed to be white and cheap. Hurry now as supplies are limited. 

We found the mens breakfast had too much fat. The talk was half baked and the theories seemed warmed over. We think it was the arguments that really smelled fishy. When questioned one diner said 'eat me'.

NASCAR arrives

The big ego inflating race trucks have been washed and are now threatening our loved ones. One might think they are just kids joyriding but no, its a pack of old blue hairs thinking the local roads are the fucking autobahn. The whiteness of their skins gives away their recent arrival. Even behind the smoked out glass the illumination of their lizard like hide is visible. Obviously an accident is coming if only because of their poor eye sight. which we only assume is the case as they all seem to drive down the middle of the main drag. Acting like children, they view a tope as an opportunity to pass. A surprising 100% live high up on the hills. One woman in a white pickup (amazingly parked in order to block any movement on the road) was questioned about her erratic and dangerous driving. She went on to crow about her economic participation in the town. hiring locals apparently allows one a James Bond status drivers licence. Shame on you. Something akin to a bad trick sheet will be made available in the coming weeks.


    The wild woman of Lamanz has started busing in relatives in the hopes that they too can hook themselves their own gringo sugar daddy. They are out searching for any horny old fart that they think they can reel in and then not let go. They will try to steal your heart and if that doesn't work they will steal your wallet. ( and anything else not nailed down) Beware!! Either scenario will cause you nothing but grief, keep it in your pants.

Last issues comments

    OK..this a retort to the "Employee Bonus" issue that year after year continues to be a thorn in many peoples paws. Thing is, that while I know that most of the people in town who have their houses cleaned by the local nationals can certainly afford to pay the $3 to $5/hr, my guess that a Xmas dinner out at Cafe Flores is money much better spent to them. I mean seriously, why would you possibly want to give someone who cleans your toilets, dirty sheets, skin scum outta the shower, and God knows whatever other gross dirty deed needing to be done, a $35 Christmas/year end bonus when it can be spent doing something fun for yourself?
Yes, you can bet bottom to dollar that those who squeak the loudest about these "bonuses" will have at least one, if not two, wonderful feasts over the holiday season, their xmas stockings will be filled to the brim with goodies & baubles, and the a/c unit blasting a icy cool winter-like breeze...reminding them that they are indeed, in paradise.
I just wonder if their counterparts will have the same wonderful, rich experience? 
SO, MERRY would that be one lump of coal, or two, in your stockings, my dear neighbors?

    Well why should we pay more? $5 is double the normal wage in Mexico. That should more than cover the bonus in Dec. Mind your own business anonymous!

    OMG you have got to be kidding! Pay the people double their wage and bonus they work hard for you, Don't be such a putz. Its an incredible feeling to make someone else's life better, and your likely to not have your toilet cleaned with your tooth  brush.

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