Wednesday 14 September 2011

Where is it?

It's in the air (pee-yew)

La Manz has finally been receiving some rain this month, not much, but some. The place would be in deep shit if it hadn't, a golf course to keep watered next winter and all. Yet,there has been enough rain that it's in deep shit Now! The storm drain/sewer is flowing, not like a fountain as in the past, but flowing. Those little holes in the top of the man hole covers are spewing more than run off water, making the odor around the jardine (and elsewhere)...well, not exactly like the scent of a fresh ocean breeze. People were warned of the conversion and not to flush until december, but I guess some people have to learn the hard way, so now they're smelling their own shit, as well as everyone elses. Another possible reason so many people never come down off the hill.

It's in the wires

Everyone who has lived in La Manz. is aware of the pitiful infrastructure for water, electricity, and of course sewer. We have all learned to live with power outages, no water and the smell of shit, but there seems to be something more sinister coming from the power lines other than no electricity.
Several people around town, all of whom spend much of their time in the same approximate location are coming down with the symptoms of a mild stroke, and in some instances have actually been diagnosed as having a stroke. This location seems to be in a vortex of strange electrical problems, power surges and outages that aren't effecting any where else in town.
Now since strokes are not a physical malady that can be spread by coughing on someone, the coincidence that several people are experiencing these symptoms is disconcerting. The power company claims there is nothing wrong with their system and that this kind of ailment from electric wires is impossible. However something is blowing up TV's and computers and might well be affecting peoples heads too.

                                                         its in your pants

The infamous Lamanz curse on couples has once again rolled into town on the ragged skirt tails of hurricane tiger woods. At least 3 couples have been infected in the last few weeks. Years of marital (ahem) bliss trashed apon the shore of some young mexican mother (or father) of 4. So much for playing the fool for all of ones life. Extensive collateral damage due to the advanced age of the victim couples. One might think only lawyers and politicians were victims but real people have also been harmed. The latest 3 or 4 cases share essentially the same tragic tale. Folks are spewing out the same litany of reasons (excuses) for the deluge. As are the participants. The ecological perspective, popular with the west coast crowd, takes aim at the weather mainly. rain, no rain, HAARP, comets etc. There are the social and economic slant (popular with the college educated (sic) and east coasters. (apologies to Canadians who may think those two terms are opposites) Times are tough, culture is collapsing, that kind of shit. The spiritual realm popular in the mid west (and Mexico). Basically, some voodoo doodoo booboo stuff. This includes the 2012 loon bags. Also, the psychology (there is no...) dogma. Mid life crises, men, women alpha types yadda yadda yadda. As usual, health officials have no answer, but have given the go-ahead to aerial spraying. Unfortunately it is also a no win for local singles as the pool is pollutedly diluted. The winner (?) may only be one of the numerous gigolo Mexican lads or lassies that are now seen hovering around certain mountain-side homes like dogs around trash cans.

house review of the month (or its insane)

The only thing that truly can be said about this months house is WOW! The only thing that could justify the exhorbitant amount being asked is that there is a gold mine in the basement. Located in a viewless, breezeless residential development of like minded pieces of crap, it is clearly one of the gems of the 'notorious three'. Resembling a vertical trailer home it has numerous small cramped rooms stacked one apon the other. If it had the right roof lines it would resemble a Japanese pagoda, and that would make it a lot more pleasing to the eye. The eclectic use of different styles and materials makes it look like the builder was always in a quandry about what to do next. Or halucinating on some exotic drug. Sitting on a lot not much bigger than a postage stamp, it manages to squeeze in a small pool and a mini pagoda which houses the guest closet. Before considering purchasing, check the assay reports on the basement mine.

 it's in your hands

  We gladly will post up anything you care to send in. Via email, we won't use names. 

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