Monday 4 March 2013

re committed

sorry folks our blog had a seizure or something and deleted this posting, as well as some other stuff in the works. hopefully the issue is solved.

the sky is the limit

    If one should stop and read the boards in front of the local real estate offices they would think that the worlds financial woes are over. Prices for Lamanz's questionable real estate have once again gone almost as high as their sellers must be to think some one will actually come along and buy one. This months house review is a fine example of the nonsense. This place sits on a hill above a road and at a distance is an imposing mansion like structure. After negotiating the steep twisting driveway a large flag stone parking area/patio with a nicely landscaped pool continues the illusion. What appeared from below as an impressive tower turns out to be an accretion containing a staircase that reminds one of fire stairs in a high rise. The house is essentially like a post world war II duplex with one identical unit above the other. Each contains a bedroom and bath and a combination living kitchen and dining area. which is of such small proportions that there is no room for a dining room table with further restrictions of permanently built in concrete furniture. Sloppy construction is evident. An example being  a 3 meter long passage way narrowing 20 centimeters from one end to another for no discernible reason. A covered roof top deck looks over the unencumbered view of roof tops and a tiny sliver of ocean. Built by one of Lamanzs notorious 3 gringo builders one would be smart to question the structural integrity of the place especially the shaky looking retaining wall that is holding the whole place up. The price as to be expected, through the roof.  A committee will soon be set up to cover up all defects of all houses on the market.


    Thanking the locals for allowing us into their community. The mantra rises again. And again like they had or have a choice. Spending all funds on the one sanctioned gringo day at the last rodeo and somehow envisioning it as thanking the local Mexicans. Despite the fact no actual funds get to the locals we wonder how this high priced party for themselves becomes a thank you to the Mexicans. We guess its by just spending a few hours in the prideful arms of their compatriots and not with the locals that they are doing the thanks. As usual, none of this thanking goes beyond the one gringo day. The other rodeo events are essentially sin gringos. And the Mexicans are probably thankful for that. For as most Mexicans might and do say they can do without nob ways and attitudes that do not much more than patronize the locals. A special committee will be looking into how to improve the thanking process for next year.

most pathetic

    Another year and another fantastic battle for most pathetic character of the year as well as most pathetic couple. First off with the couple category we had simply too many nominated to list them all. The surprise winners (or is that losers?) for this year are that unbelievable coupling of old Europe and full of itself Ontario. The strange truth is that no one who knows them quite understands how they continue to be... them. Continually lubed by booze as they stagger about, their  loudness can be heard 15 minutes before they show up. Often just enough time for many to escape out the back or down a side street. The most pathetic character winner was also a difficult choice. Hey, look around. All the regular nominees are back except those that have passed on and its practically a coin toss, what with all the new applicants. In fact we couldn't decide so we tossed the coin. And the winner is .........  the committee has deemed this announcement as injurious to their well being.......  Congratulations to the winner! As for the pathetic losers, better luck next year.

mud slides more

The continuing saga of the gentrification of La Mansionilla

    Buck leaves and passes Louise on his way out. Louise heads for Wilma and Annabelle's table
Wilma- Louise, its good to see you. When did you get back? Come sit down grab some coffee and tell us how your summer was.
Louise-My summer was fantastic. That cultivating of medical marijuana has turned out to be profitable and rewarding.i just wished i could have brought some down with me. In fact I haven't been able to locate my regular source, Do you know where i can get some?
Wilma- I can spare you a couple of joints  but the stuff is pretty scarce right now.
Annabelle- You might try Carlo's down at the bar. He always seems to be able to come up with whatever you may want.
Louis- Good idea, thanks, and can I get those joints just to get me by until I score.

  Meanwhile back at the restaurant.

Louise- That was good coffee. Well, I'm off to see if Carlos can hook me up.
Wilma- I'll go with you. I'm ready for a beer. What are you up to Annabelle?
Annabelle- I'm going over to the emporium.
Wilma- I thought you said that place was too gringo for you?
Annabelle- Well yes it is but they have M&Ms and I'm a real sucker for M&Ms.
Louise- Lets go along the beach and smoke that doob.
Wilma- Good idea we can cut through the square.
   They leave and continue their conversation along the route
Louise- Ooh whats that smell? Ugh, that's disgusting!
Wilma- Oh that's just the sewer, its been backing up and flowing into the streets all summer.
Louise- God that's awful, Why don't they do anything about it?
Wilma- Ah, they are doing what they always do. Turn a blind eye, and keep their fingers crossed that it stops before tourist season is in full swing.
Louise- let's get a move on, I can't hold my breath much longer.
    They approach the beach.
Louise- What the fuck happened to the beach? I've seen more sand along the coast in Newfoundland.
Wilma- Yeah, I know. They are also keeping their fingers crossed that the sand makes it back by high season.

exposing oneself

    Not quite local, but never the less a  poor sap,(one troubled Mexican) is continually libeled and slandered. From claims of exposing himself to some gringa, a vast wave of condemnation has washed away practically any chance for the poor boob to scrape up a few measly pesos. Beliefs must be that this tragic and clearly traumatized fellow and family are scam artists simply waiting for the opportunity to whip it out for your displeasure. As he stumbles about town with kids and woman in tow he is continually bashed for his begging. Others in a similar boat are given a free ride while this guy is dammed for his perceived perversions and ridiculed for the structure of his skull. A committee is being set up to insure that all further slander or libel will be perceived of as community service.

renegade shirts

    Some local rankler has rankled the ranks of the "committee". No, not that committee, another one. Without official sanctioning from the committee a ream of rogue rodeo t shirts have been on sale. Attempts to curtail the sales and/or to bring the rebel under committee control has failed. One art walk  despot purposely parked his big shiny vehicle in front of the poor sap salesman in order to show him how mature and powerful the art walk committee is. Or so we assume.  Still, sales have been brisk. The committee is at a loss, as the under their breath boycott hasn't had any effect, Desperately trying to retain some non existent power they've taken on the new tact of having a competition next year for the privilege of being allowed to produce the shirts for the gringo day of the rodeo. We guess the committees actions are another method of thanking our Mexican hosts. Petty controlling is always the best thank you. As for the art walk, well nuff said. We are sure the committee will be looking into it and making appropriate decisions for next year.
    Incidentally, the Rorschachian nature of this years official shirts has resulted in numerous notions about what the hell it is. A map of Mexico, a theatrical mask, a bull chasing a gringo ass, a martini glass, underwear? We don't know. its art, dam it! Maybe some one will come up with vague personality generalizations based on what people think it is. Obviously a committee should be set up.

jay waltzing

    Gringo woman tries to beat up a motorcycle, and then blames the motorcyclist. Of course since blame is the game. Never mind watching where you are going or accepting responsibility for your own actions (and thus shutting up). Its always someone elses fault. That's dog shit on your shoe, lets blame the, the owners. hell the dam beasts eat dog food , lets blame Purina. Maybe just a wee little responsibility for ones own actions may be in order. Certainly not in the nob line of blame blame blame, but likely more sensible. (Strangely, the following day we witnessed an old blue haired gringa screaming down the main drag at highway speeds passing vehicles on whichever side showed more space.) Attempts to pry funds out of the poor sap Mexican for medical expenses are underway at this time. Also at this time no funds are being pried for damage to the bike. And we don't expect any thanks to go to the bike rider who valiantly tried to avoid the apparently blind and deaf gringa waltzing into the street. Of course a committee has been set up to insure gringos don't have to use common sense.

baseball blues

    No, not the unfortunate passing of a local gringo after the almost all gringo game a few weeks back are we on about. Although yank liberal types are trying to now ban baseball of course for being deadly. We warned all a few years back about how gringos may well ruin what was a beautiful thing. It now seems to be occurring as historically  ineffectual top down micro managing system seems to be being implemented. Rules and policies are exploding out from what we assume to be committee meetings. The kids play on unaware of the coop that is underway. Out with those old useless retirees who are only in  it for the love of the game and community and in comes the structure and behavioral policies that mainly just push those who really care out the back door. Soon it will be consequences consequences and further consequences doled out to create the next generation of pliant sheep, all in the glorious name of behavior modification. Warm ups are coupled with ovine lessons.  Teaching supposed proper behaviors  has replaced teaching baseball skills. All this against the back drop of 25 local kids idea of a good time. Alas it may soon be a soulless group of robots jack booting across the infield as gringos yell behavior modification orders from the sidelines. The committee will decide how to best spin this insanity.

baseball blacks

 Eerie similarities to the White Sox of 1919, the local gringo old timers took on an under aged group of local kids in a baseball game a while back. After building a strong 9-5 lead heading into the bottom of the last inning they suddenly forgot the rudiments of the game. Errors abounded (some claims of at least a half a dozen) and what would appear to be simple plays became mistake prone bumblings. One must question whether a fix was on. There was a pop up to the pitcher who simply failed to move the 2 feet to get it. Some tried to blame the blind ump but he couldn't see plays on either side so that balanced out. After the game there were many players who claimed tiredness and old age for the monumental collapse and vowed to put the boots to them next time. its hard to swallow that line but what wasn't hard to swallow was the fan turn out and the moneys raised for league development. we assume the baseball committee will be looking into this.

Piss tank of La Manzanilla

The following is inspired by king of Kensington an old Canadian TV show.

When he stumbles down the street
He drunkenly slobbers at everyone
Every one that he meets
calls him piss tank of La Manzanilla.! ( how ya doing? que pasa? no, i don't have a beer.)

He finds his fortune in the pockets of the faces that surround him
His wife says that it's other people that get him drunk
But then his mother tells a slightly different story
hes the only drunk around without a buck!

He's a sot among men
The drunkards' champion
And when destiny calls him
Beep beep beep - I'm sorry, that line is still busy
He's piss tank of La Manzanilla!!!!!

What a prick!

Piss tank of La Manzanilla was witnessed by a live audience.

comments from original post

 I am disappointed you feel this way. The GD committee never had a problem with the Other t-shirt (we certainly bought enough of them). We spent our pesos on hosting the Farola night & feeding 750 people. You never mentioned where the proceeds for the other tee had gone to. Also we were willing to help him sell his t-shirts but he wanted to sell them to us for $50 p each, AND he was willing to show us the invoice costs. Well that never happened, he started selling them on his own. We are not against enterprising people. It is for his good energy & ideas that we want him on the committee next year. Also the t-shirt design contest idea we are tossing around will be open to Gringos as well as Mexicans .. seems like you are damning us if we do & damning us if we don't. If you think you can do better you should sign up for the GD committee next year we will welcome you. If you feel there should not be a GD ... tell all your Mexican friends you are against it & for them to tell us "they don't want it".


its all about money and power. a comment (likely via a gd day committee central control spin doctor) regarding the t shirt bs from last issue is all about power and money. say it aint so.  pointing out how much (money) the gders put into the gringo day and wondering about what some enterprising fellow did with his earnings? its not their money. Either way in fact. for them its moneys raised for a cause, and as for the other fellow and his earnings. who cares? but it is about money (and of course power) so again, who cares?, well, apparently the committee does. although they claim they have no problem with it they still express a problem by simply commenting on a humorous bit on some obscenely remote blog. and the feigned offense that is expressed with the none so subtle 'well, we are taking our ball and going home' attitude suggests there may be an issue. as for anyone wanting or not wanting the gringo day rodeo party, dont they decide? We dont recall or find there being any mention about whether there should be a gringo day or not. We only describe what it is. Its interesting to note how a targets reaction to satirical criticism so often points out the validity of the criticism.

1 comment:

  1. Wholeheartedly agree with the blogger's criticism of the (time-wasting, energy-draining, free-enterprise-crushing, power-hungry, control-freakin') committee-fever, taking over La Manzanilla...
    Can't you 'guests' of the Mexican people just give something back to 'your community' without all the 'group' bs..? Must y'all organize against, and attempt to wrangle-in, those unaccountable to you, who prefer to perhaps humbly do their own thing..? First, aggressively obstructing and excluding and then when that doesn't work out for you, trying to reign-in the rascal with flattery and condescension... 'inviting' him/her to be a member of your special club..How very generously inclusive of your little select committee...And, by the way, it is none of your concern where the money earned by others' goes...not everybody feels the need to form, gather and publicly display their benevolence.

    The late, great George Carlin said it very nearly as aptly as the Eye's witty blogger: "The decay and disintegration of this culture is astonishingly amusing if you are emotionally detached from it.
    I have always viewed it from a safe distance, knowing I don't belong; it doesn't include me, and it never has. no matter how you care to define it, I do not identify with the local group.
    Planet, species, race, nation, state, religion, party, union, club, association, neighborhood improvement committee; I have no interest in any of it.
    I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to.”
