Wednesday 19 September 2012

stinking stealing. all is normal.


World Mental Health Organization erects new signs.

Business stinks

    Several businesses in town have been decimated  due to the results of the seasonal rainfall. For the last decade rains have been sporadic and quite different from what was considered normal in the years before that. In terms of intensity, frequency and amounts. So far this season the most damaging rains have come in two storms, which were intense, dumping many inches on each occasion. Nothing which would have been considered unusual in the decades before. Now the streets of town that are built in arroyos have washed away leaving gaping canyons where cars once traveled. The lagoon has spilled into the sea leaving no access to the road north, and of course the new storm drain/sewer is flowing full time.
    It's these conditions that have been the death blow to several businesses. The restaurants along the north beach road have closed as there is no access for customers. Even those who might consider walking the beach to the restaurant are discouraged by the ankle breaking pile of rocks that have displaced the sand. Most of the affected businesses though have been forced to close because of the effect  of the sewer. At the crocodile viewing end not a single vendor can been found. An area  usually alive with a myriad of vendors selling everything from ice creme to cheap Chinese souvenirs. Even though customers are few this time of year they are always there trying to make a sale. Now every one stays clear of the area due to the atrocious smell, and the grey colored chunky shitty water spewing from the manhole. The vendors had always been consistent, their livelihood counting on it , and they would stoically keep at it if there was even the most remote chance of a sale. But customers or not they have had to give up the ghost, because they simply can't sit around smelling that shit all day. They were falling ill. The taco wagon in the area has also closed down as there is no way to make a taco appetizing when prepared in a cesspool. At the other of town by the jardin, a similar outflow occurs along the south side street. The butcher shop tried to remain open but found that no customers could even see it through their watering eyes, not to mention buying meat that has been permeated by the stench. Reluctantly it closed. The delegado office which sits in the middle of all this, remains open. After all, to close would be admitting that there was a problem. However there is hardly anyone manning the desk, but if so, they have a close peg on their nose. Police presence has all but dried up as well, as their custom was to hang out at the office when in town. They have opted not to come down because there is no way they are going to hang out in a shitty environment..
    The rainy season could last for another month or more and the storm drain/sewer will flow for several months past that. Even though the lagoon will eventually break through to the sea, either naturally or illegally, it will still be several months before the north road becomes passable. So it's easy to see that the effected businesses will be in for some serious difficult times.

Summer time activities for the bored

    Within the gringo population here, there are many seasonal folks and a few that stick it out all year round. The seasonal folks all seem to be dumb founded as to how anyone could stay here all year round. They ask the two questions -how can you stand the heat and don't you get bored? Of course it's hot, it's summer. But it's summer up north too and thanks to changing climates it appears temperatures and humidity up there surpass down here. As for being bored, there are lots of things to do before boredom sets in and retiring to the hammock to read a book is called for. 
    Many full timers are accosted by part timers to take care of their affairs down here while they are away. Though usually a major pain in the ass it could not be called boring. They give you a large list of things to be done and a small pile of pesos in which to do it. Then it's see you next season and adios. And no thanks when they return. The most notable example of this is the Tom Sawyer bar where every year the proprietor stuffs his pockets with all the loot before he leaves and gets some chump to be in charge during his absence. In this case there is no list or pesos, just do it, it's fun. Another person suffered a mental breakdown in trying to sort out the mess left behind by one seasonal flake who won't even answer emails. The instruction list said that the rent has been paid for September but the landlord said no, and wants his money.  Of course there is none for this purpose. Along with all the myriad of other problems that has arisen it was too much and the caretaker went off the deep end. 
    Another activity that keeps the world turning everywhere, and here as well is gossip. During this season when the gringos are few, much of the gossip has to be made up (ahem) and it will cross the line into the Mexican sector where it is prolific. Such as 'who is the priest fucking this week?'
    Not to be forgotten are the brilliant conversations carried on around the copious consumption of alcohol. One such conversation that took place not long ago was who amongst the gringos coming down to Lamanz could be considered a normal individual? After much bickering and beers it became apparent that amongst the alcoholics, drug abusers, bull shitters, bubble heads, pedophiles, wanted felons, liars, con men, porn freaks, wanna be artists, cry babies, sluts, and general all around flakes, there was no one person that could be tagged as normal. This however is a misnomer.  When each of these twisted folks who would not be considered normal from where they hail from, accumulate down here, the entire bunch of misfits becomes  the norm. So it could well be said that every one here is normal. So what do you do back home for excitement? Nothing compared to the nonsense of every day life here.

Fall cleaning

     With the ridiculous rash of  home burglaries the last few weeks. (at least 20)  many gringo dream home shells will await numerous part timers when they return. Many have been looted to the point of the ridiculous. But with a little rewiring and re-plumbing it's good for another year. Oh yes, and some furnishings. Okay, in many cases, all the furnishings. On the good side there is no need to fumble for your keys, when you have no door. Numerous full time folks are already pissed off as the burglaries are not only at empty houses but occupied ones as well. The biggest excuse for not catching them is 'we were sleeping.' Which, unfortunately, is pretty valid this time of year. Gringo, Mexican. there is no bias in the thefts. Property management businesses are shitting themselves as any claims to supposedly "watching" homes is now obviously a pile of baloney. Although we assumed it always was. Get used to it, for it will only increase. As will the blame game. The popular 'its out of town people who are responsible' line will be put forth, again. Clearly a denial of reality but ever the reliable one.

La Manzanilla Syndrome

    La Manzanilla Syndrome a.k.a 'loser bonding' has finally been accepted into the DSM4. Thanks to the ground breaking work of too many dumb ass gringos to even contemplate, the world now knows of our little burg. It refers to a variety of psychological symptoms that occur when tourists (full or part time) bond with each other in some kind of fantasy life where their ignorant behaviors are seen by them as healthy. Regression is a hallmark of the syndrome, as is identifying with an aggressor. The phrase 'its Mexico we can do what we want' is a sure sign of a sufferer. It has been theorized to be essentially a pattern of coping with the increasing fascism in northern countries. . Apparently drug therapy has no effect other to increase it. Psychotherapy has also been a catalyst.  Racism and arrogance are simply two aspects to it. So, when someone calls you a racist self centered prick, go the victim route and tell them you're sick.

Life as a rerun

Come and knock on our door.....
We've been waiting for you......
Where the drinks are hers and hers and his,
Three's company too.
{Short clip of a drunk Yack (Yim Ripperyouoff) biking along and then falling after hitting a pot hole. He proudly holds up the beer in his hand to show he didn't drop it. Title; Starring Yim Ripperyouoff}

Come pass out on our floor......
Take a step in dog poo.....
{Accompanying clip of a tipsy Yanet spewing some bile out the window and right onto Chrissys' face. Titles; Joyce Thetwit, Suzanne Fatass.}
We know a loveable sot that needs your pot,
Three's company too.
{Accompanying title; And starring as the Gropers. 'Jewyou Down' and 'Coke Youup'}

You'll see that life is a dogs' shit and dengue is calling for you......
Down at our rendez-vous,
Three's company, too!!!!!!
{Accompanying clip of Coke Youup drooling over some unseen dog in heat and then of the 3 friends loudly cavorting down the street.}

The misadventures of three room mates who consistently have enormous misunderstandings about each other. Instead of communicating they always talk behind the others backs and hatch insane plans based on their misunderstandings.  This weeks episode: Chrissy and Mr. Youup (who has been tricked into thinking Yack is fixed) mistakenly eats some brownies Yack made for the horseshoe tournament. Mr. Youup thinks she's a dog in heat and hilarity results.
    Next time, tune in for another old fall show.


    The first season has come to an end. Weekly there had been anywhere from a dozen to 30 kids showing up.  The Tigers and Dolphins have put on a good show each week, or at least an amusing one.The Dolphins looked the stronger team at the beginning but the Tigers have shown to be equally as good. Also, better or worse depending on how you look at it. From an early game error total in the hundreds it has drastically dropped to a mere 20 or so. Some have been enormous eye rollers. The play of the year undoubtedly, was the game saving catch and throw from one of the smallest kids on the Tigers. (Ullyses) What made it so unusual was the line drive went off a stray dog crossing the field and straight into the little guys mitt. He then heaved it wildly with all his might and it almost magically went directly to the second baseman, a staggering twenty feet away, who routinely made the final out. Also witnessed were numerous rare triple plays, and an even rarer four home run game by one player.(Octavio)  A final year end family day occurred and the equipment has been stored away until next season. Predictions:  The kids will of course simply enjoy themselves. Local folks will continue to stroll through the infield oblivious to the fact a potentially dangerous projectile may be heading towards their head. An always exciting  pedestrian injury may well occur. Expansion has been brought in to deal with the numbers of kids involved and their age gaps (though we had it on the list) A bunch of old white folks will take the moment to relive past glories. Made all the better by years of rehearsing. Of course, some will take it all too seriously. Others will take too many pictures. The ice creme guy will become a regular while cursing the distance from the departure point by the highway. There will be more arguing of the play calls, led of course by the adults. Kids will play shoeless and white folks will make culturally biased remarks.There will be horse shit in the infield.


    A few months back we issued a warning for all men to keep their dick in their pants and to be aware of a blood sucking wench, who given half a chance would fleece you for everything you had. The warning is in effect again but this time it's a red level double warning. She brought her sister. Between the two of them they have come up with some new tactics to separate you from your dinero.Iif you happen to be unfortunate or stupid enough to get tangled up in their web you may be in for a ride that is far more than just getting your pocket picked. They seen to be in cahoots with a shady lawyer (aren't they all?) and are filing demandas against their marks. This has caused all kinds of grief with court appearances and a likely need to hire a lawyer all resulting in the emptying of your wallet. So beware there are now two reasons to keep it in your pants.


    To Kim, one of the great muses.