Saturday 14 July 2012

Gypsies soldiers censorship

                Early summer showers have refreshed La Manzanilla.

Gypsy world

    It started not to long ago when a band of roaming gypsies set up camp at the edge of town. No one at first gave much thought about it or much less had a clue to what this group was to evolve into. Since no one was molesting them and they were maintaining a low profile their numbers began to expand and the size of their encampment began to grow. Today, hidden in the jungle are numerous tents, trailers, vans, and even a few brick shanties, not too mention several pieces of antique road working machinery and a population of people equal to a small village. To the casual observer it still looks like a small group of gypsies sitting about drinking, smoking, and telling a few fortunes. At night of course they are out robbing houses. A few outsiders who have ventured in to have their fortunes told have all been amazed at the accuracy. Each one was told misfortune would become them and each one had their house robbed shortly after. Coincidence.....possibly? True sages, yes. They are very adapt at their house robbing endeavors never leaving a clue that could trace back to them. They always go for just cash, and have the uncanny ability of finding it without ransacking the place. They are very stealthy as well, often making their haul while both the house owner and their dog sleeps. Behind the scenes, however, lies the real heart of their operation where they pose as legitimate business people and go about making deals which usually leaves someone short changed. They pose as contractors and with their lot of old machinery and old shovels (have you checked your bodega lately to see if anyone has nicked your shovel?) have gone about finding jobs all over town. They scored big when they were given the contract to repave the access road. who knows if anyone checked to see what material they used. they are also presently in negotiations with the town to rebuild the sewer system (in its present condition it would be hard to fuck it up any worse.) Another very interesting sideline they have is giving people new faces. Using old handed down time worn gypsy methods, they are quite adapt at turning your tired old gringo looking face to a rejuvenated youthful appearance. Don't ask how they do it or for that matter how long it lasts but several of the new faces walking about town are the products of their doing. Their customers are all happy, they look young again and at the fraction of the price of a traditional face lift.  (it's too bad that along with the new face they couldn't give these old bats a new attitude as well.) It appears the gypsies are here to stay and with squatters rights they may soon incorporate their village, thus opening the way for more to move in. Soon, LaManz may have its own theme park called gypsy world. 

Gigolos needed

    It has recently been noted that the gringo over 60 set (are their any others?) is very unbalanced with the numbers of single women in comparison to eligible men. These women have their needs and are not getting any satisfaction... come on guys what is the problem? Not all these women are ugly wrinkled and double chinned (see above article) and some still sport slim figures too. All do have their own houses, some palatial, nice vehicles, and all the shit that north Americans need to live comfortably. they just need a man in their life, to keep them serviced and to look good on their arms for all of Lamanzanillas can't miss to be seen social events. So whats up? this should be a paradise for any half assed gigolo, these women are desperate. Maybe ads in out of town newspapers could be the answer.

 silently shooting your mouth off

     Loud mouth local goes off on church bells and fireworks on the local message board. Goebels disappears the comment and accuses the poor fool of being an ass. Thus making 2 asses. Thought control rears its ugly head again. Clearly only certain views and methods of stating them will be accepted.  The fact that numerous previous rants were tolerated may be only a result of who voiced them. There must be a special licence one gets . Rest assured we don't censor dumb ass comments, and we've had a few. Some have even posited that this is all dumb ass shit. Actually that was us.

Is it paradise, or an army camp?

    One of the newer resorts along the beach looks like an army camp occupied by soldiers whose job it is is to keep the residents under virtual house arrest. The few unfortunate folks who were dumb enough to buy a condo at this place find themselves prisoners in their own homes. Caught up in the typical classic Mexican condo scam, they find them selves owing lots of money in bad debts which they the owners are now stuck with. The creditors who want their money have called in the aid of the army to help sway the residents to pay up. No, they are not being intimidated at gun point like one would assume, but they are being banned by armed sentries from using any of the resorts amenities including the pool (which is now a beautiful green color) tennis courts, and they have even had their beach access blocked. Welcome to the world of Mexican condo living, and like P.T. Barnum said 'there's a sucker born every minute'  

 points and sociopaths

See November2 post for info on points.

A deceitfulness, and superficial charm permeates the point. Smiling broadly while knifing you in the back. Their complete lack of empathy is quite often staggering. Unless it's directly connected to them there is no real concern for others.. The sociopath is...well...the same.

The points seem to truly believe they are the greatest things ever to walk the earth, loudly proclaiming their self importance. They make grandiose claims and tell of spectacular deeds, and yet are never seen doing anything productive or spectacular. They have known everybody for years and are responsible for any and all success.  The sociopath is... well... the same.

The point fucks anything they can find. Local botaneros do a rocking business during the season. Apparently all points believe they have the biggest tits or the longest dicks and quite often screw for days on end with numerous partners. All of which are of course the most beautiful people to ever walk the earth. Or so they say.  The sociopath is .... well... the same.

The points behavior can't be predicted. Any moment can bring on wild actions. Promises are always broken at the crack of a beer or the passing of a moment. Excuses abound and numerous others are blamed. Obligations and commitments are routinely broken. The sociopath is......well... the same.

Points tend to wild raging and abuse, often mixed with some tiny bit of decency. This creates confusion in normal people as they can't really label them as the complete  arse holes that they are. This also tends to create a cycle of raging abuse and feigned decency. The sociopath is.... well you get the point.

Points like to live high. Like on a hill so they can overlook their minions and possibly to see the rampaging hordes who have finally discovered the truth, before they actually attack and burn them out. As Swift said ' 
i cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives (or points for the purposes of this bit) to be the most pernicious race of little odious vermon that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the face of the earth.'

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