Saturday 18 February 2012

politics, arts, music, bull, and excuses

All methods are being tried in an attempt to get the sewer functioning.

Around town

     The now annual art walk spilled into the streets of Lamanz a short while back, and was well attended by participants and spectators. Folks from town, and surrounding towns, filled the streets admiring or ridiculing the creations on display. When all was over most had kept their wallets in their pockets (surprise, surprise) and the artists lugged their shit back home.

     La Huerta and representatives of the federal government held a meeting in the ejido office a few weeks back, concerning the "fixing" of our dysfunctional sewer system. Allegedly the feds were going to foot the bill if 80% of the property owners in town signed a petition in favor of it. Unfortunately, the individual who records the announcements had a sore throat so the recording didn't get made in a timely manner. The announcement was finally delivered 2 hours before the start of the meeting, and thus was only attended by 100 people. ( who, for what it was worth, were 100% in favor of fixing the stinky situation.) However, the feds not getting their desired number of signatures, felt that no one here gave a shit and went home. although that is the problem. Our sewer woes continue. So expect another 15 stories from the sewer editor.

     Who's band is it? When a local restaurant hired an area band for the night, the owner of another restaurant where the band regularly plays came un-glued. It seems the unglued believed exclusive rights over their actions. Despite the fact that the band plays to make a living and takes jobs when and where they can get them (like all bands) but supposedly not in Lamanz. A comment from one band member was "We're hired twice a month, they take half the tips, and what makes them feel that they own us?"


     New lame shirts seen everywhere on folks not usually associated with something as back woods as a rodeo, but never the less needing to be seen so out they come. The cowboy gear is dragged out again, still sporting last years tequilla and 'beeria' stains. The boots, the hats, and all the associated attire, sponged off for one afternoon, to 'thank' our mexican friends. (once again) 'Come to our party.' Of course they don't come to their party the following day because ... hey its superbowl. As for this next two day party ( hey... its mexico), the litany of excuses has been well rehearsed over the years. ('i didnt know, there was a rodeo, i thought it was saturday. is there a holiday or something? , why isnt anyone working? we had to go to the bank and then it wasnt open!!!bla bla bla) This doesnt include those that simply left for the weekend. As each days attendance got larger the gringo portion shrunk, a blessing really. Of course the classic complaint was hauled out as well. Its too loud its too dusty. Apparently the difference between a rockin' party and too loud and dusty one is where it happens. A party at the casino or rodeo grounds is loud and dusty, one at a gringo establishment is a rockin bash. Since we want participation, insert your own snide comment here.
     At the rodeo itself, save the pure tourists, only a handfull gringo types were on handto witness the mtv rock satyr (oops, star) and his entourage arrive in a couple of fancy vans and waltz the grounds. The entourage exceeded 20. These hanger ons' group status seemed to be connected to how many electronic devices they wore. Later the poor bastard in the 'carry the girl on the shoulders race' with the rather hefty female rider was truly amusing although he may never walk the same again. The race concluded with the beauty queens' mount stumbling and falling forward causing the rider to face plant in the (ahem) patty was a moment to be cherished forever.

...its mexico

     Four gringos were walking down the middle of the street when another drove up behind them and yelled at them to get out of the way. They responded that they dont have to because ...its mexico and the mexicans don't care. The driver yelled back "yeah, and they don't care if i run you over either."

House review of the month

     This months house lies in an airless, viewless hollow. Built by one of 'the notorious three' as a spec house. After being owned for less than two years it is up for sale...again. The house is well suited for the mountain climber in you as stairs abound. Inside, the place reflects the builders style with the clasic small cramped rooms. The two second floor bedrooms are about the size of a closet. Really, just closets with bathrooms. There is a third floor covered porch (of course) with a view of a barrio of similar structures. It has an excellent perch for a high dive platform into the neighbors pool. The house is built into the unstable hill side with its own pool in front - the water being held back with what might at first appear to be a stable wall. As usual with all Lamanz properties the asking price is clearly double of what it is worth.

last issue comments

    you forgot to add the comparison of the surly year-rounder to your "part-timers / tourists" segment. You know, the ones who "hate all the above and g.damn proud of it, and why the hell are you in my town anyway?"
You know, the ones with the mentality that "I was here first, you come here with your idealistic dreams (just like I did many years ago), try to change the world (I found out I couldn't so I drank instead) and then complain (just like me, but I'm entitled because I live here)".
I am VERY disappointed you failed to be non-partisan and give us the complete picture as a whole. Instead you opted out of reality and chose the cowards way out--very similar to bigotry in my book.
Go figure.

    expats / part-timers  we had it but were saving it for next time. but since you asked... so politely.
-expats never leave so they never really 'arrive'. part-timers arrive and never seem to leave. the part-timer renews old friendships. the expat welcomes the part-timer like a band of travelling gypsies . the discoveries of the inspections of the part-timer are explained away by the expat as happening months ago and now of little to no importance. the part-timer arrives with new plastic shit, the expat drools over the toys like the poor neighbor kid. whereas the part-timer cant see the beach for the rocks, the expat never goes to the beach. the part-timer arrives like an invading army, the expat acts like the slaughtered natives. the part-timer has their set businesses they patronize, the expat is effectively stunned at the number of places to go suddenly. the part-timer uses your name , the expat can barely remember theirs never mind yours. the part-timers travel and shop, the ex-pat gets paranoid about going to melaque. the part-timers chat of world events, the ex-pat is muted in their snow globe world. the part-timer sees the tourist as a younger cuter version of them, the ex-pat sees the tourist as a distant memory of an earlier more productive time. (as well as good for the local economy) the part-timer can be recognized by their latest dress, the ex-pat by the garbage clothes they gathered up after the last the part-timer meets and greets, the ex-pat acts like a deer in the headlights.  as the part-timer claims a poor year economically, the ex-pat supportivelty laments the reality in an effort to gain a free beer. as the part-timer prepares to leave the ex-pat tries to weasel some of that magic northern plastic out of them.
next issue some other comparison. relax its all in good fun. as for non partisan.... never claimed it.

    okay, so now everyone gets bashed equally--that's more like it. I'll take back the last sentence as that was added for dramatic flair, just like what you always add to your stories (it's all in good fun, right?!).
Oh, and if you don't claim non-partisan, then everything you write is solely your perception and opinion and we should take NOTHING at face value? If that is the case, then add a little more levity in your stories instead of sour grapes. I think you would garnish a much larger readership if you did.
But that is MY opinion--and my perception.

    really like this edition much better than all the others. It was actually funny, the comparisons were right on!!!! Previous ones were getting a little to sordid. Sorry

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