Wednesday 25 May 2011

When shit happens, we're on top of it! Thats our story and we're sticking to it.

La Manzanilla survives end of world

La Manz. certainly lives a charmed life when it comes to avoiding disasters. Just like the hurricanes that never came ashore or the tsunamis that barely shifted the beer cans on the beach,  six oclock last saturday passed with the town still intact. For most, it was a sigh of relief that they were still alive and breathing, but for an unfortunate group of four it might well be the end of the world. They started early, apparently getting fucked up on some kind of mind altering substance, arriving at opening time at a local restaurant. For the rest of the day they ate and drank copious amounts, culminating in one large bill. These people were sufficiently fucked up to actually believe the world was ending, so this was their send off feast. A last supper as it were. They knew that they weren't going to have to pay the bill. However, as usually happens with these predictions, the world failed to end and the proprietor wanted the money. Their pockets were empty (and we assume their minds). They tried to make light of the situation with promises to pay in the future, (manana?)  but this did not amuse the owner. The cops were called, and they didn't find it particularly amusing either, having been woken up. The revelers were hauled out of town in the back of the pick up on their way to the La Huerta jail, where they will be guests until someone pays the restaurant bill and accumulated fines.

Don't leave home without it

Mexican Immigration officials were in town tuesday, and they appeared to be looking for specific individuals. The few gringos living here illegally, scattered like frightened children. Officers were, in fact, not stopping anybody, nor asking for papers. Instead, they alternated hanging out in front of two gringo owned businesses. As the day wore on, and neither business opened and their owners stayed away, the officers obviously got a little hot under the collar. As they were getting in their van, and looking like they were ready to leave, three gringo tourists walked by them coming from the beach. They were immediatly accosted by the frustrated officers, and asked for their papers. Of course just coming from the beach, no one was carrying them. When they said that they were at the hotel and they could go get them, they were informed that this was not good enough and the law stated that the carrying of immigration cards is required at all times. The three gringos were appalled and began to protest and even tried to hand over what money they had, hoping it was enough for a bribe, but much to there chagrin they were thrown into the van and driven away. As of this writing "the eye" has not been able to find out the fate of these unlucky folks.

Altercation in Cihuatlan

A local restauranteer was observed in the bodega store in Cihuatlan picking up frozen entrees and other supplies to serve in her restaurant, when all hell broke loose. Said restauranteer was ripping some poor stockboy a new ass hole because a juice container had a dent in it, and the whole store apparently needed to know about it. When questioned about it, the store manager just shrugged and said we call her the 'bruja de la manzanilla'. She carries on about something every time she comes in. We just think of her as a bad joke and certainly don't ever desire to even go to her restaurant. We just thank our lucky stars she lives there and not here.

 water priorities

With dust so thick you can cut it with a knife, everyone is waiting with great anticipation for the rains to start. There are various pools around town for when will be the first day. Hopefully that day will be soon as the wells that supply our water are dangerously low. So with the water being turned on less and less to conserve what we have, why are there frumpy old assholes out there wasting this precious resource just to keep their stinking lawns green? Grass is definately a crop that's totally useless and the watering of it during these times shouldn't be allowed. Like what they tried to do in stopping people from watering the streets to keep the dust down.

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