Wednesday 11 May 2011

When shit happens, we're on top of it! Thats our story and we're sticking to it.

Dolphins fail to score at fish release

The fish pens located in the bay, where undersized red snappers are caged, (to hopfully grow to edible size) were retrieved Monday afternoon floating off of Blue Bay. The cage was released from its moorings by a rebel gang of dolphins, led by that infamous dolphin  "Notch". The cage floated off after its release, but the dolphins were unsuccessfull at getting the fish released from it. Local fisherman caught up with the cage, and towed it back and secured it to its mooring....Local fishermen 1      dolphins 0    red snappers less than 0.

Out of sight; Out of mind, but not out of smell

Ever since the storm drain/sewer stopped flowing the run off water, people have let the problem slip from their minds. Several have actually connected up. Now that the seasonal crowds have all gone away, and to limit the expensive electrical costs, the pumps have been cut back to a couple hours a day, a couple of times a week. So, if you are coming into town remember to hold your noses as you pass the sewer pump station... because... guess what? It smells like shit! And like we said "we are on top of it."

house review of the month

As we are now falslely believing we are getting up to speed, we hope to include different categories other than just news. hahaha, news. anyways, it appears that just about everything real estate wise is for sale here. So we just had to have a peek at one.
    This months house is brand new (!). Finished a few months back and built as a spec house. Located on the other side of the arroyo on a charmless viewless lot. Or this side of the arroyo depending on where you are. Identical lots are beside it. for future spec houses? Hopefully not identical.
    The house is a cavernous box. the rest of the walled in lot has space for a pool and patio. The down stairs is one huge open space with a kitchen area. Enough space for a dance hall. A spectacular spiral stair case ascends to the second floor. Would certainly look right in a vanderbuilt mansion, but possibly a bit much for here. This floor contains three rather unassuming bedrooms. All with baths, though not necessarily in-suite. At the top of the stairs is lots more room, or space. Where a grand piano would fit. Too bad about the stairs.
    Besides the pool and patio in the rear, there is also a bar built just under the stairway. It is here the design team may have melted down. Is the bar supposed to be inside or outside? There is nothing under the stairway in the way of a door or even a window. Just a large opening to the outside letting in anything that flies, walks,or crawls. The house has been 'tastefully' decorated to attract a certain kind of buyer. Rich and stupid.
    The price has been extravagantly set at a number that would cause many a sane person to break out in hysterics. If such a person lives here. It's not like La Manzanilla is known for being a hot bed of intelligence. It's a win win situation.

                                                other shit

      We expect to be consuming beverages next week.  Were (take note grammar nazis) gonna be back in a couple of weeks. burp. Maybe.
    susie - Fortunately, not every one you don't know is so massively consumed by their own racist guilt to have to take libelous stabs at you.
Does gringa refer to people from iceland?
    Apparently, the comment section works again. Supposedly, it matters. 
    Fuck off limpy hip john has fucked off, limply. We will miss your hip limpiness as you would greet us with the heart warming and hip 'fuck you.' Even now, i get all limpy when i write those hip words. So, on behalf of everybody here who really cares, a good "fuck off" to you.     


1 comment:

  1. about that stoopid fucking house that the cophee kween much class doesn't she have!!
    I would be mightily pissed off if I were a neighbor.Too bad it can't be burned down!!!!
    u know who I is!!!!!
